If indicated, contributions must be rendered anonymous to facilitate blind review, and authors should take care throughout their paper that their own and their institution's identity is not revealed. Relevant references to an author's previous research should not be suppressed but rather should be made impersonally, if they are required for reviewers to understand and evaluate the paper's contribution.
Submission Types
Submission type | Submission Deadline | Call |
Full Papers & Notes |
Link |
Workshop Proposals | November 26, 2008 | Link |
Poster/Work-in-Progress | December 23, 2008 (11:59pm CET) | Link |
You are required to follow the formatting information for your contribution given at Author's Kit or in the respective CfP.
All submissions will be handled electronically via our web-based conference management system. Authors are requested to submit their papers and notes through the official URL below.
The site is self instructing and quite easy to use. The first time that an author uses it, he/she will be asked to create an account. However, after that one can simply log in. Manuscripts will be accepted in PDF format only. For further information please see the Instructions for Submitting Authors.
All contributions are to be submitted using our
conference management system To submit a contributions, please create an account on Via secure SSL connection: (SSL security warning: see below!) |
SSL security warning: Please be aware that you have to install our SSL certificate into your browser or add a security exception.
If you experience any further problems please do not
hesitate to contact the administrators at eud2009[at]