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Welcome to the IS-EUD 2013. 

End User Development relates two traditions that made Copenhagen famous in the computing field: The idea that users can be part of configuring, customizing and assembling their software tools and environments is by many of the End User Development researchers seen as a natural extension to Participatory Design. From a programming language point of view this requires the development of languages and programming environments that can be used by non-IT professionals.

In the program of the 2013 End User Development International Symposium, the two traditions meet. Some contributions focus on the development of domain specific languages, e.g. for the insurance domain. Others explore community collaboration in the shaping of technology. The conference provides multiple opportunities for exploring the complementarity and interdependency of the two perspectives on End-User Development.

Yvonne Dittrich
Margaret Burnett
Anders Mørch
David Redmiles